Parent Guide
The Parent Guide is designed help parents set themselves up for a successful school year. This resource will help you find information on all of the most important things parents need to know. Click on each of the topics below to learn how to access the relevant information.
- Enrollment Procedures
- Parent Square
- PowerSchool Parent Portal
- Purchase iPad Insurance
- School Handbooks
- School Supplies
- Report an Absence Online
- How to Fill Out a Form in the PowerSchool Portal
- Lunch Services
- Student Drop Off and Pick Up
- Activities - Athletics and Arts
- Calendars
- Snow Days and E-Learning Days
- Annual Notifications
Enrollment Procedures
Parent Square
ParentSquare is the primary way that district staff will communicate important information to you. ParentSquare is used to communicate school closings, special events and opportunities, parent teacher conference information, etc. You can receive ParentSquare messages via email, text, app, or voice.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
PowerSchool Parent portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is used in grades three through twelve, and is where you will find information on your student's assignments, grades, and attendance. View report cards, submitted absences, fill out forms, and pay for student fees through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Purchase iPad Insurance
Purchase iPad Insurance
Students will have 30 days from their first day of school to purchase insurance. Insurance should be paid for as soon as possible, as breakage is NOT covered during those 30 days.
For returning student's you can purchase iPad insurance from the convenience of your home by visiting the E-Funds for School online webstore and adding the iPad Insurance item to your cart up until Oct 7. For new students, contact the office if you are interested in insurance, and they can bill you for the insurance, at which point, you can pay for the item online through the PowerSchool parent portal or the E-Funds online webstore.
If you have already made payments using the district's online webstore, you can login directly here: | If you need instructions on how to make payments using the district's online webstore, click here: |
E-Funds for School Webstore | How to Make Payments Online |
Insurance Options:
A. School District Insurance:
1) Insurance is available for all iPads that are part of the District's 1:1 iPad programs. Insurance is elective; it is not required. Students who purchase insurance after receiving an iPad must have the iPad visually inspected by Technology Department staff in order to verify the device is not damaged at the time of purchase. Insurance will cover the instructional school year, from date of purchase until the end of the school year. The annual cost for iPad insurance is $30 (non-refundable) per iPad per year.
2) The insurance program offers coverage on one iPad for accidental damage as well as parts failure. All iPad parts and accidental damage are covered, including the iPad battery, internal and external components, glass, LCD screen, external buttons, microphone jack, etc. This includes parts and labor. This plan will not include more than one replacement; additional replacements will cost the student/parent the full value of an iPad and/or keyboard case. One iPad charger and cable is also covered.
3) The insurance program does not cover the following items:
- Any willful, negligent, careless or intentional damage is not covered.
- Intentional damage is that which is either observed to willfully or carelessly have occurred or that which is determined by the type of damage to have been willful or careless in nature.
- Loss and theft of the device is not covered.
4) Cases:
- Standard wear and tear or willful damage to cases is not covered.
- Technical failure of a keyboard case is covered
5) Insurance may be purchased online from the district website, or contact the school office for assitance.
B. No Insurance
You agree to pay for the replacement of the iPad should the iPad and case be stolen, lost or damaged in any way. Example costs to families who do not choose insurance are below:
- Damaged or broken screen may cost up to $200 depending on what layer of the screen is broken.
- Replacement cost for the iPad is up to $500
- Replacement cost for the provided iPad case is $35 or $110
- Replacement cost for the provided iPad charger is $25
Students or parents may wish to carry their own personal insurance to protect the iPad in cases of theft, loss, or accidental damage. Be aware that deductibles can be higher than the cost of an iPad. Please consult with your insurance agent for details about your personal coverage of the iPad. An iPad purchased to replace a lost, stolen or damaged Hibbing Public Schools iPad becomes the property of Hibbing Public Schools.
C. Financial Hardship
If you can’t afford the school district insurance, but would still like to purchase the school district’s insurance, please contact the building Principal.
School Handbooks
School Handbooks
The School Handbooks contain important information on grades and attendance, student drop off and pickup, as well as rules and expectations.
Parents at the Lincoln must acknowledge that they have read the Lincoln Handbook. Similarly, parents and students at the High School will have to acknowledge that they have read the High School Handbook. This can be done through the Parent Portal (see below for instructions).
Lincoln parents and High School students and parents can acknowledge that you have read the handbook through the PowerSchool Portal:
School Supplies
Report an Absence Online
How to Fill Out a Form in the PowerSchool Portal
How to Fill Out a Form in the PowerSchool Portal
You can submit forms to the school office through the PowerSchool Parent portal. The electronic forms are more convenient and easier to fill out than the corresponding paper forms.
Click Here to Learn How to Fill Out a Form in the PowerSchool Portal
Lunch Services
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
High School
Students should be dropped off before school or picked up after school in front of the school on 21st Street or at the designated drop off spot on 9th ave. Students should not be dropped off in staff parking lots or anywhere along 7th Avenue or the horseshoe anchor door. Students may be dropped off or picked up from Door 12 during school hours (8:00 am and 2:50 pm).
Drop Off Information
For the safety of our students, the Lincoln Middle School has designated areas where students may be dropped off at school. Between 7:15 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., parent drop off is DOOR 10 (11th Ave E. - cafeteria doors). If at all possible, do not drop your child off at school prior to 7:15, as there will be no adult supervision. If they are dropped off prior to 7:15, students must wait in a designated area of the building. Walkers may enter at these doors, as well. Breakfast will be available beginning at 7:15 and students will be supervised in various areas from 7:15 - 7:50. Students may report to the cafeteria for breakfast, the auditorium, the media center, or the playground prior to school starting.
Pick Up Information
Parent pick up will begin at 2:20 for 4th grade and 5th grade. Parent pick up will begin at 2:30 for 6th grade and 7th grade. Parent pick up is at DOOR 10 and DOOR 11 (11th Ave E. - cafeteria doors/auditorium doors). If you have children in multiple grade levels, please have the older child leave with the younger child. Parents/guardians must inform the school of any changes in the pick up plan. Written notice must be provided for someone else to pick up your child. Written notice or a phone call is required to alert staff of changes in the student’s pick up plan.
Please inform the main office if you have any special needs or health issues that would hinder the drop off or pick up procedures.
Pick up/Drop Off Areas:
For the safety of our students, each school has designated areas where students may be picked up or dropped off at school.
Do not drop off or pick up your child in the bus loading areas.
Busing will take place in the small parking lot near the playground. (Near Door #3)
DO NOT ENTER THIS PARKING LOT. This will only be used for busing and staff parking.
- This may begin at 7:30. Prior to that, there are no adults able to monitor students.
- Children will be dropped off at the main entrance parking lot, Door #1.
- Please stay in the right lane, near the sidewalk, as you enter the parent drop off/pick up zone to our main doors. This is designated as a ‘flow through lane’ only. No Parking.
- Parents or guardians will not be allowed in the building to bring their child to classrooms. We are trying to limit the number of guests entering our school for your child’s safety and that of others.
- It is recommended that you swing in, pause while you let your child exit the vehicle and walk to the front doors, then pull away.
- We will have staff available to meet and greet the children as they arrive.
- Please don’t park at any point in the ‘flow through lane’.
- If you need to accompany your child to the main entrance door, you will need to utilize the parking lot on the south side of the school and walk with them to the main door. This will lessen congestion and reduce the risk of any accidents.
- Parent pick up will begin at 2:10.
- Parents will stay in their vehicles for the end of day pick up.
- Staff and students will come to you in your vehicle.
- Please have the passenger side of your vehicle ready to receive your child. You should not need to get out of your vehicle.
- You will need to send a note with your child the day of a pick up or have a prearranged schedule given to the teacher each week.
- A legal guardian must pick up their child unless the legal guardian has provided written permission for someone else to pick up their child.
- Please have an ID available for pick up to show staff you are the legal guardian or your assigned designee.
- Again, do not park in the flow through lane.
- If you want to walk to the front entrance, you should park in the south side parking lot, and walk to get in line near our main doors. Your child will be called out to greet you.
Pick up/Drop Off Areas:
For the safety of our students, each school has designated areas where students may be picked up or dropped off at school.
Do not drop off or pick up your child in the bus loading areas.
Parent Drop Off | Begins at 7:15 A.M. | Door #4 | MUST PARK IN THE LOT AND BRING YOUR CHILD TO THE DOOR |
Parent Pick Up | 2:15-2:30 | Door #4 |
You will need to send a note with your child the day of a pick up or have a prearranged schedule given to the teacher each week. A legal guardian must pick up their child unless the legal guardian has provided written permission for someone else to pick up their child. Please have an ID available for pick up to show staff you are the legal guardian or your assigned designee.
Early Learning
Drop-Off Procedures
The door will be open at 7:30 a.m. for families who need morning care and breakfast. Please park in the parking lot, on the street, OR at the bus garage and WALK your child in through the front entrance (Door 16). Please plan for inclement weather (umbrella's etc) while escorting your student to the building. Drop your child off with the staff personnel in the commons area and let them know if your child will need breakfast and if they will be eating hot or cold lunch. If your child does not need breakfast or morning care, you may drop off 8:00-8:15. Classroom teachers will come to the commons to retrieve their class at 8:15 to start their day.
For SAFETY of everyone:
- Do not drop off any earlier than the designated times due to anticipated high traffic volumes.
- Dropping your child off in front of the entrance and having them walk in will NOT be allowed.
- Parking in the drive through lane in front of Door 16 will NOT be tolerated.
- Please do not leave other children unattended in your vehicle.
- Late arrivals will need to be buzzed in through our front office.
ECFE and other classes that begin after the start of the regular school day:
Families are asked to wait in the locked vestibule until class begins, at which time a staff member will escort participants to the classroom. Please do not arrive any earlier than 15 minutes. Late arrivals will need to be buzzed in through our front office.
Pick-Up Procedures
Pick up time is at 2:30. Teachers will have all students in the commons for you to pick up. Please park in the parking lot, on the street, OR at the bus garage and enter the commons (through Door 16) to retrieve your child. Please make sure you sign-out with staff personnel before leaving with your child.
For the SAFETY of everyone:
- Do not arrive any earlier than the designated times due to anticipated high traffic volumes. Early arrivals will not be allowed in the building and will need to wait in the locked vestibule.
- Parking in the drive through lane in front of Door 16 will NOT be tolerated.
- Please do not leave other children unattended in your vehicle.
Activities - Athletics and Arts
There are several calendars in the district: district events, building events, and athletics events for each team. On any of the website Calendars page there is a Customize tab. You can filter the calendar view for any combination of calendars that are important to you.
For example, you could select the High School and Lincoln Elementary calendars, as well as the Boys Hockey and Girls Volleyball calendars, and the calendar will display events from those calendars. You can then click on the subscribe button and add each of those calendars to the calendar app on your phone.
Snow Days and E-Learning Days
Snow Days and E-Learning Days
- The decision to close a school is always made by 6:00 A.M. that day
- School closings are announced through ParentSquare (see above), so be sure to configure your ParentSquare access and update the building office with your current contact information
- In the event of inclement weather or other school emergencies the district may choose to implement e-learning days. Teachers K-12 would be expected to post in an online format academic work for their students, or will have put together packets of work that students may do during this time. In the event that the teacher does not have or loses access to the internet the work can be given the next day.
Click the link below for additional details:
Annual Notifications
Parent Portals
The PowerSchool portal will show you grades, attendance, assignments, forms, and bulletins.
Click Here to Learn How to Create Your PowerSchool Parent Account
Use ParentSquare to receive school and classroom communications via email, text or app.
E~Funds for Schools Webstore
Log into the E~ Funds for Schools Webstore to pay for school related fees online.
You can use this to pay for iPad Insurance online.
Lunch System
Log into the district's lunch system to find your balance.
If you are unable to access your account please call (218) 208-0854.
Accelerated Reading Book Finder
Accelerated Reader is a program we use to encourage students to read. Click the below to find a listing of books in the Accelerated Reader database.
Support Services
iPad Help
iPad Help
There is a link to these same resources on each student iPad.
The site provides information that will be helpful in using district iPads and troubleshooting common problems.
The Guidelines page of the iPad Help website is of particular interest to parents, as it lists recommended procedures, district technology policies and guidelines, as well as tips for parents.